Pink & Black Sunglasses are GONE!
(Seen in Florida)
We are considering another order of pink 4-Play t-shirts, the profits from which were donated to the Susan G. Komen foundation for breast cancer research (see Komen's response). Stop out and see us and let us know if you would be interested in one or two for yourself and to help support a worthy cause. Of course, the new Black & Pink t-shirts are currently available.
(Chris & Diane with 4-Play garb in Saudi Arabia)
(Chris & Diane with 4-Play garb in Saudi Arabia)
(4-Play Sunglasses on Jack in Hawaii)
(4-Play Sunglasses on Jack in Hawaii)
(4-Play Sunglasses on Jack in Hawaii)
Due to popular demand, we will be offering various items for sale to our fans (or even haters). The popular black t-shirts with "4 Play" lettered in white will soon be available. We sometimes have other types of t-shirts available: 4-Play logo t-shirts ($15), I-[Heart]-[4-Play Logo] ("I Love 4-Play") t-shirts ($15). The 4-Play "Little Rappaz" t-shirts ($15) are not available at this time. Occasionally, the rare motto t-shirt ("Fecum non Donamus") is available ($15).
(Spotted in Key West on one of our favorite fans!)
4-Play sunglasses are also available ($5). Besides being comfortable, durable and "cool-as-a-moose", these light-weight shades are also easily worn over existing prescription glasses, even making them simply great, inexpensive, non-nerdy alternatives to clip-on sunglasses or Lasik surgery. Currently available in Henry Ford black---but taxed-to-the-bone white will also soon be available.
Although internet orders are not possible at this time, we are in the process of setting this up (PayPal, etc.).
Of course, all of these items are available for purchase at our gigs---and sometimes given to audience participants. You can email us if you want us to set aside an item that you intend to pick up at a gig.